Last Updated on Sunday, 24 May 2020 12:51
City’s Tree Ordinance Rewrite Schedule Accelerated?
According to their recently updated Urban Ecology Framework website, City Planning is saying that their final recommendation for the TPO rewrite will be available in “early Summer 2020”. Originally there was supposed to be a second draft that would be available by the first week in June for public feedback, according to the timeline they had posted earlier, but that timetable appears to have been scrapped and they are going from first draft to final recommendations with no public comments in-between.
A history of how we have been in the tree ordinance rewrite process for a full decade now can be found here.
The previous timeline for the Tree Ordinance rewrite looked like this:
(Click on the picture below for an expanded view.)
And the one before that looked like this, which had already pushed back a July 2019 deadline to February 2020.
(Click on the picture below for an expanded view.)