There are two types of city arborists in the Arborist Division: Plan Reviewers and Field Inspectors.
The Plan Reviewers evaluate applications to remove trees, most often in conjunction with a building permit application.
The Field Inspector makes onsite visits to post properties under plan review, assess tree health, and issue permits for DDH tree removal or citations for illegal tree removal.
If you are interested in knowing more about a tree removal application, you should speak with the Plan Reviewer assigned to that particular tree removal application. This Plan Reviewer can be looked up in Accela, or you can call the Field Arborist assigned to your zip code to find out the name of the Plan Reviewer.
Also, it may be helpful to talk directly with the person who is requesting the tree removal permit. Sometimes the permit requestor is willing to accommodate changes to the site plan in order to avoid the appeals process which will cause a delay in their construction. However, make sure to get any concessions they give you granted in writing on the actual site plan that receives final approval by the City Arborist; otherwise, you have no recourse if the agreed-upon changes are not implemented.
The names and contact information for all Field Inspectors and Plan Reviewers can be found here.
If your appeal is about trees on public property or in a park, you should call the Office of Parks at 404-546-6813. If you are not sure whether or not the tree is on public or private property, call the Field Arborist in the Arborist Divison first.
When calling any City employee about a tree or property, be prepared to give the exact street address.